Mobile (Home Visit) Acupuncture
Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton

About Me

Daitong Suh, L.Ac.   한의사 서대통

Specialist in Pain Management Department at Kaiser Permanente, Oakland Medical Center

Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Five Branches University, San Jose, CA

Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)

Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine, University of East-West Medicine, Sunnyvale, CA

Licensed Acupuncturist, California

My journey within East Asian Medicine began while I was in my teens when I was presented with a very rare opportunity to be introduced to acupuncture and the meridians through my practice of Hapkido in Korea. I was profoundly influenced by my mentor who was not only a master of martial arts but also a doctor of East Asian Medicine. Since those early years, my curiosity and eagerness led me to read as much as I could to learn even more about this ancient art of medicine and healing.  
However, several years passed before I was able to delve more deeply into this medicine. After completing my Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Information Technology, I worked in tech by day, and re-discovered my true passion for East Asian Medicine over countless evenings. I eventually pursued my dream of becoming a doctor of East Asian Medicine and began my practice as a licensed provider in 2011. I have since joined Kaiser Permanente in 2021, where I continue to practice within the specialty of integrative pain medicine.  

As a doctor of East Asian Medicine, I strive to provide an integrative care experience that is patient-centered, compassionate, and comprehensive in encompassing all aspects of health and well-being.